
The development of strong literacy skills is central to the learning and development of all students at Fyans Park Primary School, driven by our whole school goals set in our Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan.

Our literacy program enables our students to be confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens, not only in our school community but also in the global and ever changing world we live in.

Our teachers work collaboratively in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), meeting weekly to plan and deliver differentiated learning opportunities to develop students’ skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Students engage in daily literacy activities and our home reading program supports this, where students and families are encouraged to practise reading skills using take home books provided for students in Foundation/Prep, Year 1 and Year 2, with independent book selection for students in Year 3 to 6. Assessment practices inform teachers of individual student needs and teachers work together to moderate student learning outcomes to ensure consistency in assessment and teaching practices. Individual Learning Plans are developed for students who may require additional support or extension in their learning.

At Fyans Park, the Sound Waves spelling program is implemented across all year levels. Sound Waves is an evidence based systematic synthetic phonics and word study program. It uses a sound-to-letter strategy, which acknowledges that sounds can be represented more than one way in written form. This approach focuses first on phonemes – the basic units of sound. It then explores the letters, referred to as graphemes, that represent these sounds and how they can be put together to form written words. Students engage in a range of learning opportunities to develop their knowledge of phonemes and graphemes through explicit instruction, individual and small group activities as well as engaging in online learning resources.

For more information on literacy programs used at Fyans Park, please refer to the ‘Links’ page.

Sports day, students running over hurdles.
Fyans Park Primary Students.
Fyans Park Primary Students.

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