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Student Discovery

School Captains

At Fyans Park Primary School, student leadership reflects our school motto ‘My Best Each Day’.

Our student leadership team is led by four Year 6 School Captains. At the end of Year 5, students prepare and present a speech to their peers, Principal and Assistant Principal explaining how they can represent their peers and school community and contribute to the achievement of our school’s values and goals.

The School Captains at Fyans Park work collaboratively with the Principal and Assistant Principal to conduct the weekly school assembly and play an important role in representing the school community at events such as Enrolment Week, Prep Transition and School Council.

House Captains

The school is organised into four houses using the four streets surrounding the school which were named to acknowledge the history of the area.

House activities include house points which are collected each week for the House Cup, House athletic sports which are conducted in Education Week each year and other lunchtime competitions set up by our house leaders.

Fyans Park Primary School has four houses: Camden, Cook, Ormskirk and Windmill. Each house is led by two Year 6 students and they play an important role in leading and uniting each house at various times throughout the year including the Year 3-6 Athletics held at Landy Field, Year Prep-2 Sports Day held at Fyans Park and amulti-age activities. House Leaders have the responsibility of collecting weekly house points across the school and determining the winning house as well as providing the school community with a sports report at each assembly. Belonging to and working together in teams (houses) helps to build cohesion, school and team spirit, self-esteem and encourage responsibility. The Jarman Shield is presented each year to the house with the greatest aggregate score.

Belonging to and working together in teams (Houses) helps to build cohesion, school and team spirit, self-esteem and encourage responsibility.

The Jarman Shield is presented each year to the House with the greatest aggregate score.


Mr Cook and Mr Francis had a wool scouring factory near the Balyang Bird Sanctuary and owned all the land nearby, including the land on which the school now sits.


Ormskirk is a place in Lancashire, England.  Mr Harriott, a former Newtown Councillor, came from a Western District property called Ormskirk and his parents came from Ormskirk in England before coming to Australia in the mid 19th century.


Camden Town, London is the place where former Newtown Councillor (1858), Mr Sanders Trotman lived before coming to Australia.


Mr Windmill dug rocks from the old quarry next to the School.  He donated the land to the Newtown Council for a play park and it is now called Windmill Reserve.

Peer Mediators

A strong community of students, staff and parents exists at Fyans Park Primary School and our Peer Support Team is an important aspect of this.

Developing respectful and supportive relationships between all students, across all year levels is paramount. The Peer Support Team are a group of Year 6 students who have completed the Peer Support Training (at the end of Year 5). This team works collaboratively with Fyans Park’s Wellbeing Team, to provide support to students out in the yard at recess and lunch time, organise specific events to build the awareness and understanding of our school values and teach students strategies to positively build friendships with their peers.

Green Team

As part of Fyans Park Primary School’s ongoing commitment towards sustainability, the Green Team consists of student leaders from Year 6 that are passionate about our environment.

Students drive the ongoing education within the school community and oversee the management of waste and sustainable practices. Fyans Park is part of the Resource Smart Schools program which is a free program offered by Sustainability Victoria that supports Victorian schools to embed sustainability across the school facilities, community and curriculum, while saving resources and money for the school.

Students also have the opportunity to care for and maintain the life cycle of our school Spiny Leaf Insects. This role involves changing of fresh leaves, cleaning cages, collecting eggs and regularly spraying water onto leaves to keep the insects well hydrated.

Green Team members have initiated a ‘Clean Up Fyans Park’ activity, run during break times once a fortnight, to care and be responsible for the beautiful grounds that we are so fortunate to have. Leaders also assist with the care and some maintenance of the School Veggie Patch.

Student Voice

An important aspect of school life at Fyans Park is fostering authentic student voice and agency.

At Fyans Park, our Student Voice Team (SVT) is led by four Year 6 leaders and two student elected class representatives from Years 1 to 5. The SVT meets regularly to discuss and enact ideas and initiatives brought to life through classroom suggestions boxes. From organising fundraising events like the Easter Raffle for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal to supporting local causes such as the Meli Little Thinks Appeal, the SVT channels student energy towards community connection and betterment.

The SVT also plays an important role in decision making processes that impact all students. This includes having student voice and input into aspects such as improvements to be made to play spaces and learning environments. Student voice is not simply about giving students the opportunity to communicate ideas and opinions; it is about students having the power to influence change