Visual Art

The Visual Arts program at Fyans Park Primary School is highly valued and supported by the whole school community. It aims to engage, support critical and creative thinking and promote problem-solving. Aligned with the Victoria Curriculum, students learn through a program that is designed to provide an enjoyable and stimulating environment in which fine and gross motor skills are enhanced. All students experience activities that help develop confidence, passion, creativity, imagination and individuality. They learn to make choices when experimenting with materials, tools and techniques. Throughout the year, students in Foundation to Year 6 participate in weekly sessions which develop their experiences, skills and processes in the following areas:

  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Printing
  • Threads & Textiles
  • Construction
  • Clay
  • Collage
  • Mixed Media
  • Digital Art/Photography using iPads

The Visual Arts program often links in with year level Project Based Learning (PBL) units of work across the school. It incorporates elements of STEAM and Music where students may be required to research, design and create artworks as individuals or collaboratively in small groups.

At Fyans Park Primary School, we believe that all our students are successful artists and we celebrate, encourage and support this through displays of their artwork in and around the school as well as through presentations at assemblies.

“Every child is an artist.”   Pablo Picasso

Fyans Park Primary School. 2019. Copyright. All Rights Reserved.  Website | Ty Hooper Design.