student discovery

Student Voice

An important aspect of school life at Fyans Park is fostering authentic student voice and agency. At Fyans Park, our Student Voice Team (SVT) is led by four Year 6 leaders and two student elected class representatives from Years 1 to 5. The SVT meets regularly to discuss and enact ideas and initiatives brought to life through classroom suggestions boxes. From organising fundraising events like the Easter Raffle for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal to supporting local causes such as the Meli Little Thinks Appeal, the SVT channels student energy towards community connection and betterment.The SVT also plays an important role in decision making processes that impact all students. This includes having student voice and input into aspects such as improvements to be made to play spaces and learning environments. Student voice is not simply about giving students the opportunity to communicate ideas and opinions; it is about students having the power to influence change

Fyans Park students Easter fundraiser.
Fyans Park students engagment and wellbeing.
Fyans Park Primary Students.

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