student discovery

Green Team

As part of Fyans Park Primary School’s ongoing commitment towards sustainability, the Green Team consists of student leaders from Year 6 that are passionate about our environment.

Students drive the ongoing education within the school community and oversee the management of waste and sustainable practices. Fyans Park is part of the Resource Smart Schools program which is a free program offered by Sustainability Victoria that supports Victorian schools to embed sustainability across the school facilities, community and curriculum, while saving resources and money for the school.

Students also have the opportunity to care for and maintain the life cycle of our school Spiny Leaf Insects. This role involves changing of fresh leaves, cleaning cages, collecting eggs and regularly spraying water onto leaves to keep the insects well hydrated. 

Green Team members have initiated a ‘Clean Up Fyans Park’ activity, run during break times once a fortnight, to care and be responsible for the beautiful grounds that we are so fortunate to have. Leaders also assist with the care and some maintenance of the School Veggie Patch.

Fyans Park Green Team.
Fyans Park Green Team.
Fyans Park Primary Students.

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