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Digital Technologies

Digital Technologies & Devices

At Fyans Park Primary School, we integrate digital technologies purposefully across all curriculum areas to promote collaboration, enhance critical and creative thinking skills, and empower each student to build their academic and social knowledge.

Our Digitech learning approach endeavours to evolve to enhance our students’ knowledge to safely use technology and is consistently underpinned by the most up to date curriculum. At Fyans Park, students participate in dedicated Digitech sessions, incorporating best practices in digital citizenship, equipping students with the knowledge and skills to navigate the online world responsibly and safely. Through engaging coding lessons and projects that build a deeper understanding of the global digital landscape, we prepare students to become innovative and informed digital citizens.

As an eSmart school, we value a strong emphasis on the teaching of Cybersafety, with our ICT linking deeply with our strong focus on student wellbeing. At Fyans Park, we strive to ensure that students understand the importance of balance in screen time and have a toolkit of strategies to maintain their safety online. We engage with community organisations such as Victoria Police, the eSafety Commissioner and the Alanah and Madeline Foundation to provide incursions and resources to ensure our students are confident and discerning users in the online world.

Fyans Park Primary School have a Bring Your Own Device iPad program for students in Years 5 to 6. Please refer to the BYOD iPad Guide & FAQs for further information.


Digital Resources for parents and carers