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Our History

Our School Crest

Fyans Park school Crest.

The crest itself was designed in 1972 by Mr Don MacKinnon who taught at this school for some years. As you will realise from the following explanation, much thought and artistic skill went into producing our crest.

We believe a school emblem serves a number of good purposes:

  1. An emblem or crest is a means of identification, signifying the uniqueness of our school and its unity in allegiance
  2. It carries in this design, symbols of the school’s aims and purposes
  3. The motto contains a maxim of daily rule for living


Fyans Park, operating from 2nd February 1965 with four classrooms accommodating 156 pupils in Grades 1-6 was officially opened by the Hon. J.F. Rossiter, on 1st December 1967. The school, with HM W.H. Erwin, was located at the corner of Cook and Windmills Sts, Newtown. Parish of Moorpanyal, County of Grant. The site was included in the Geelong Town Plan of 1955.

Parents’ Committees were established in 1965. S.J. Harriss was elected first President of the Committee and G.B. Thomson, Secretary. The Mother’s Club President elected 9th February 1965 was Mrs. M McCurdy and Mrs. P Thomson was Secretary.

All worked well to provide playground and sporting equipment, additions to playing area, extensions to the garden setting and facilities, a store shed to assist with necessary interior equipment. In 1966 the PWD effected a major ‘three-level’ scheme of ground development and provided the basis of the garden setting.

Portable classrooms had to be added in 1967 and 1968.

Explanatory Notice:

Colour – The basic colours of the badge are green, orange and white, the traditional colours adopted by the school.

Sun – A well-known Australian symbol, which in this case carries with it the idea of the NEW DAY with all its opportunities for a new beginning

Open Book – Represents the pursuit of knowledge in preparation for the future

Anchor – The Symbol of hope. Sure and steadfast (its two prongs) holding on fast to that which is good and true, despite the temptations, storms and troubles of lifeStar – This represents guidance and inspiration

Two Branches – The two branches supporting the shield represent the upward growth of youth towards the future

Motto – “My Best each Day” in work and play and in our everyday relationships

When we aim to do the best we can according to our abilities we are being of service to mankind and maintaining of self-respect.
