

Before completing an enrolment form for Fyans Park Primary School, it is important to note, at this point in time Fyans Park Primary School’s enrolments are confined to the following criteria:

1.   Students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school.
2.  Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time.

To correctly identify if Fyans Park Primary School is your designated neighbourhood school, please use this link:  www.findmyschool.vic.gov.au

The Fyans Park Primary School Enrolment Management Plan is linked here.  Please refer to this document for further clarification.

When do I need to enrol my child?

In order to ensure  a place for your child at Fyans Park Primary School, the enrolment form needs to be forwarded to the school office by the end of Term 2 (for Foundation 2024).  All other year level enrolment forms should be forwarded to the school office prior to commencement.  This enrolment information will then be forwarded to the Department of Education and Training to guarantee our entitlement of teachers, classrooms spaces and program options for the following year.

What do I need to bring to the school to enrol my child?

  • A completed enrolment form and medication form if appropriate.
  • 100 points of Proof of Residence – sales contract / lease agreement, utilities bill, etc. More information can be supplied.
  • A copy of your child’s birth certificate
  • An Immunisation History Statement from Medicare / MyGov.

How do I know if my child is eligible to commence school?

To be eligible for admission a child must be a least five years of age by 30th April of the year in which admission is sought.  Only Australian citizens or students with specified visas are eligible for admission.

Enrolment Form:

The enrolment form, which must be signed by at least one guardian/parent, shall include at the following information at a minimum:

  • Date of birth (copy of Birth Certificate) or Passport for non-Australian-born students.
  • Names and addresses of child and parent/guardian
  • Details of medical or other conditions for which the child may need special consideration
  • Emergency contacts name and telephone numbers
  • Previous school/kindergarten and year
  • Medical information:
    • Details of medical or other conditions for which the child may need special consideration
    • An Asthma and / or Anaphylactic plan (if applicable)

Immunisation Certificate

Under the Health (Immunisation) Regulations 1999, all parents/guardians are required to present an Immunisation History Statement for their child; you can obtain these from Medicare / MyGov.

Starting School:

Your child’s first day at school will be very exciting. To make it a calm and pleasant experience, your attitude is important. Your child will react according to your feelings so it is important to be happy and confident.

You can prepare your child to adjust to school by:

  • giving your child responsibility and independence – dressing, managing the toilet, eating, staying overnight with relatives or friends, playing with other children, packing away toys, choosing books from the library.
  • being positive about your child’s abilities. Self-esteem is a vital ingredient to success. Encourage your child to try new things, praise successes and encourage trying again. Many skills require practice and time.  Display artwork on fridge and in their bedrooms.
  • establishing a morning routine – arrive on time with lunch, homework and excursion notes etc. prior to school bells. (See school routine)

School Tours

Parent Information Evening for 2025 Foundation students

Tuesday, 23 April 2024 at 6pm

Please click here to RSVP

Principal led school tours for the following year’s Foundation students are held at the start of Term 2 for families who reside in our Local Enrolment Area.

Dates for 2025 Foundation group tours will be held at 9.30am on the following dates:

Friday, 3 May 2024 – Tour full, please choose another date

Tuesday, 14 May 2024 – Tour full, please choose another date

Tuesday, 21 May 2024 – Tour full, please choose another date

Tuesday, 4 June 2024 – Tour full, please choose another date

Thursday, 18 July 2024

If you would like to RSVP for any of these tours, please click here:


Please phone 5221 3772 if you require further information.

Prep Transition

Prep Transition sessions are held during Term 3 and 4 each year.

Information regarding these sessions will be provided to families closer to that time.