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Specialist Program


STEAM lessons focus on project based challenges that engage students in working collaboratively, developing innovation and encourage inspiration.

Students are introduced to the Design Process and the Science Inquiry Process through the projects and challenges they explore. These processes guide students as they meet the needs of curriculum in the areas of Design and Digital Technologies and Science. This program also requires students to draw from the Critical and Creative Thinking and Mathematics learning areas and capabilities.

Throughout the implementation of the STEAM program, students have embraced the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge when faced with challenging problems and activities. Some of the learning opportunities that students have engaged in include creating working models to demonstrate their understanding of hydraulics and pneumatics, manipulating flight paths of rockets, designing and constructing marble runs from recycled materials and creating their own costumes and props for school concerts.

STEAM lessons are run in our ‘Lab’ which is stocked with all of the resources and space that enhances and stimulates this program. Students across at our school engage in one session of STEAM a week.


The Arts program at Fyans Park Primary School is highly valued and supported by the whole school community. We offer a two-year scope and sequence that encompasses Performing, Visual, and Media Arts.

In Year One of our two-year Arts cycle, the emphasis is on Visual and Media Arts. Aligned with the Victorian Curriculum, the program is crafted to foster critical and creative thinking, and encourage problem-solving. Students participate in a program designed to offer an enjoyable and stimulating environment, fostering the development of both fine and gross motor skills. Each student engages in activities aimed at instilling confidence, passion, creativity, imagination and individuality. They also learn the art of decision-making while experimenting with various materials, tools, and techniques. All students participate in weekly sessions that enhance their artistic processes and skills in the following areas; Drawing, painting, printing, textiles and threads, sculpture, collage, mixed media, digital art and photography utilising iPads. 

During the second year of our Arts program, our instructional focus transitions to Music, Dance, and Drama. Fyans Park embraces all the aspects of the Performing Arts and promotes singing, playing instrumental music, performing, dance, drama, and creative music making. Students in Years 1-6 actively engage in instrumental learning, acquiring skills on keyboards, recorders, and guitars. Foundation students primarily focus on the use of percussion instruments and singing. Additionally, students in Years 5-6 are invited to join the school choir, where they can showcase their talents at various community events throughout the year.

Physical Education

The Health and Physical Education program at Fyans Park Primary School is an inclusive, collaborative and core unit for all students. It is aligned to the Victorian Curriculum and focuses on all students participating in varied physical activity and enhancing their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing. The program is delivered one session per week to all students Foundation to Year 6.

Students are immersed in a broad range of physical activity, outdoor recreation and sport that is inclusive, challenging and enjoyable. They learn the importance of how their body moves, correct techniques for warming up and specific development of fundamental movement to assist them in completing tasks confidently and competently.

Throughout the year, students in Foundation to Year 2 work through a range of fundamental movement activities and games. They develop spatial awareness, teamwork skills, specific ball skills and game sense understanding. All students participate in a whole school Cross Country in Term 1 and a celebration ‘Foundation – Year 2 Sports Day’ in Term 4. This is a fantastic celebration of all of the hard work the students have put in throughout the year and are focused around the core athletics activities – running, hurdles, shot put, discus and long jump.

In Years 3 to 6, students build on their fundamental movement skills, applying these to new and varied sports, activities and challenges. All students participate in a Cross Country and ‘Year 3-6 House Athletics Day’ in Term 1. These are wonderful community events that build confidence, teamwork and participation for all students.

Bike Education is provided in Year 3/4 in preparation for students attending Maldon Blue Light camp. Summer and Winter Lightning Premiership sports are attended by all students in Year 5/6 with a focus on teamwork, sportsmanship and encouragement.


Fyans Park Primary School offers an exciting and progressive Japanese Program, which introduces students to the language and culture of Japan. Students from Foundation to Year Six participate in a one hour Japanese lesson each week.

Language classes provide a lively and stimulating environment, where students enjoy communicating in Japanese through role plays, interviews, songs, and language games. Students are introduced to hiragana characters (which form the Japanese alphabet) in Year One and continue to read and write the script throughout the school.

Culture is inherent in language. Once a year, we celebrate a whole-school Japanese cultural/dress up day. Bi-annually students experience unique cultural experiences such as origami, taiko drumming, calligraphy, and manga drawing, enriching a student’s study of the language.

From mastering hiragana to exploring traditional festivals, students are not just learning a new language; they’re building global connections and fostering curiosity. This joyful exploration is not just about words—it’s about embracing a culture and sparking a lifelong love for language learning!